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Welcome to State Electronics ISO 9001:2015 and AS9100D

State Electronics is a broad line distributor of passive electronic components and computer equipment. Established in 1956, we offer the top franchises in each product category at competitive prices. We have built our reputation of excellent customer service by personalized attention. There is always a familiar voice ready to work with you as a team partner.

Our sales representatives have many years of experience in electronics distribution and are capable of answering your questions, whether technical in nature or simple price & delivery inquiries.

State Electronics Parts Corp. is dedicated to to supplying our customers with quality products and services, delivered at the right place and time, and at competitive prices. Every order is important to us and our goal is to provide our customers with excellent service every time!

The quality of our service is further enhanced by our close relationships with major suppliers who join us in promoting superior customer service. We have a 3A1 Dun & Bradstreet credit rating that further insures a reliable source of products for customers.

Electronic Components --
Our Electronics Components Line Card lists the most popular manufacturers that we stock. In addition to our warehouse inventory, we have instant access to millions of other part numbers from manufacturers too numerous to list within the context of this page.

If you're looking for Potentiometers, we have the world's fastest turn-around time for custom configurations. We are the sole source for the former Honeywell Mod-Pots product lines (388/389 / 70-series). Our Product manager Aidan Turner (e-mail aturner@state-elec.com) can solve your potentiometer requirements and insure that you get the product fast - in 48 hours or less if necessary!

Contact State Electronics

(800) 631-8083
Local: (973) 887-2550
Fax: (973) 887-1940

PO BOX 436
EAST HANOVER NJ  07936-0436

Thomas Sutcliffe
ext. 107